Affiliate Links - How Readers and Authors Can Earn Income For Recommending Books They Enjoyed
Learn how to create affiliate links for Laterpress stories.

With affiliate links, authors and readers alike can earn a 5% commission on any sales made through affiliate links to Laterpress stories that they post on their social media channels, blogs, newsletters, etc. For more information about how this works, please see our help article about Author Community Features. Watch this video to see how to create affiliate links, or read on for a text explanation.
For a book to be eligible for affiliate links, the following criteria must be met:
- The book’s author must have community features turned ON in their account settings.
- The book’s author has a Stripe account connected to their Laterpress account, so they are able to receive payments.
- The book itself must be monetized in some way.
For someone sharing affiliate links to receive payment:
- They must have created an account. It is NOT necessary to publish any books yourself. Click the blue “Login” button at the top right corner of the screen and create an account or log in. The beginning of this article shows account creation if further assistance is needed.
- Connect a Stripe account to your Laterpress account.
- Make sure you have Community Features turned ON in account settings.
How to create an affiliate link
While logged in on your account and reading a book on Laterpress, open up the menu. This can be done from the cover page, or from any chapter in the story.

At the bottom of the menu is the “Copy affiliate link” box. Click this to copy your affiliate link. The button’s text will change to “Copied to clipboard!”

From there, you can use the link anywhere you wish. Writing a blog post or newsletter? Use the affiliate link to drive traffic to a story you loved. Post it on Twitter, or Facebook. Email it to your friends. You get the idea. The below image shows what an affiliate link looks like, when posted in a Discord server.

That’s all there is to it! We hope affiliate links, and all our future community features create a positive virtuous circle where authors and readers alike are rewarded for helping new readers find great books.